Продукти за bertolli bio (2)

Виолетта - Есенции за Пране

Виолетта - Есенции за Пране

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Violetta è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Simbolo della primavera è l’essenza madre della bella stagione. La sua fragranza, sprigiona sui capi un profumo appassionante ed intenso, la sua nota fiorita predomina e persiste a lungo. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Violetta è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Ribodiet® - ЧОВЕШКО ХРАНЕНЕ - Укрепване на имунитета с нуклеотиди

Ribodiet® - ЧОВЕШКО ХРАНЕНЕ - Укрепване на имунитета с нуклеотиди

New natural product extracted from yeast cell with standardized, highly controlled and gentle process organic solvent free. Nucleotides have been commercially used in human infant formulas for many years, as a way of improving gastric development and early immune function. Ribodiet® is a source of nucleotides, nucleosides, oligo nucleotides, ribonucleic acids fragments, aminoacids and vitamin B complex. All these nutrients represent a pool of active and beneficial ingredients. RIBODIET® suggested applications: Immune system, Gut barrier Health, Sport nutrition, Cognition/Concentration, Iron absorption.